
Mtcn number example
Mtcn number example

Western Union Payment Line: +229 986 343 76Ĭopyright © 2012.Unicredit Bank Plc, Africa. Note that This Payment is AVAILABLE to be PICKED UP by You but You cannot receive it Until is has been ACTIVATED on your Name and Location, For Western Union to Activate this Payment in your Name You will be Required to make the Activation Payment of $320 USD and Send us the Following details so we can Activate the Payment on Your Name after confirmation of your Payment of $320 USD. Your tracking number (MTCN) can be found in your transfer history page and in your printed or emailed receipt. Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN): 1536432755 We wish to inform you that we have already SENT your First Installment Payment of $5000 USD today and you can go ONLINE to TRACK your Payment with the Details & You can Track your Payment with Our Website Link below: If your transaction is older than 45 days, please call Western Union directly at 1-80 1-80. This means that you will continuously receive a Daily amount of $5000 USD from us, and this amount can be collected from any of our numerous Western Union outlets/Offices in your Current location. If your transfer was completed within the last 45 days, you can retrieve your MTCN number on your Western Union history page. This email because every arrangement has been done perfectly.

mtcn number example

Use to renewing of your file, so be advice to contact them immediately you get Therefore the only fee you have to pay them is $320.00 only usd that they will Payment and you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment How much will a transfer cost with Western Union Here’s an example of the price you’ll pay if you’re sending money with Western Union. Take your ID document and the MTCN to your nearest Western Union location, and you can get your money in cash, in Australian dollars. The financial Western Union Payment centre has been mandated to issue out your The sender will then give you a MTCN number, once the payment is set up. Secondly, we have discovered that some of these deposited funds including yours & other (5.000) innocent scam victims, who face untold extortion of valuables cash, on their struggles to claim their entitled funds are genuine and originated from the right sources such as contracts payment, inheritance claim and above it all lottery winning claimsĮuropean union money laundry commission committee has instructed us to be paying your fund to you via WESTERN UNION transfer under instalment of (5000,00) Five Thousand Dollars daily till the amount is completely paid to you. You are warned to stop further communication or dealing you have with any body/banks regarding to the collection of your fund, due to the fraudulent activities going on worldwide for your own good, because your fund is right here in our custodians and not in Any body/banks that is contacting you in respect to the collection of your fund is scam. We write to informed you about the meeting held today by the Ecowas and EU Union money laundry commission, organized crime/fraud division have mapout the sum of $500,000.00 dollars for your compensation.

mtcn number example

Nachdem Sie die Zahlung geleistet haben, wird Ihnen eiine eizige Nummer der Transaktionsidentification, bekannt als Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN), eingeräumt. I know that an MTCN number expires, and therefore becomes invalid, if not picked up by the recipient in 72 hours.From: “Copyright © 2012.Unicredit Bank Plc” Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN): 1536432755įollowing the high rate of fraud star, scam and money laundry activities case perpetrated via South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Burkina-Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast, Europe and other African countries. Once you have made the payment, you will be given a unique transaction identification number known as Money Transfer Control Num ber (MTCN). If you receive a message saying that Western Union will need to verify your identity via phone call or ID Card, don’t worry.

  • A certain amount of time has passed since the completion of the transaction You should be sent a message saying: Congratulations, Mr Here is your MTCN, which is ready minute to minute 1234567890 REMEMBER: The MTCN will always be a 10-digit number 20.
  • Is there any reason an MTCN # on a legitimate, real transaction, might not show as valid on the Western Union MTCN # lookup page ( )?įor example, does an MTCN number become invalid if: Select if you are the sender or receiver. However, if you miss it, you can go to the Track Transfer section and click the Don’t know the MTCN blue button at the bottom.

    mtcn number example

    I am neither the receiver nor the sender. The MTCN is a tracking number that is shown on the transfer receipt and it should only be with the receiver for picking up the money. I am trying to verify whether certain Western Union wire transfer receipts are legitimate, and reflect actual transactions that really occurred.

    Mtcn number example